2022-11-05 11:28:49
open [options] [url] open page in browser specified via -b, --browser
codegen [options] [url] open page and generate code for user actions
install [options] [browser...] ensure browsers necessary for this version of Playwright are installed
install-deps [options] [browser...] install dependencies necessary to run browsers (will ask for sudo permissions)
cr [options] [url] open page in Chromium
ff [options] [url] open page in Firefox
wk [options] [url] open page in WebKit
screenshot [options] <url> <filename> capture a page screenshot
pdf [options] <url> <filename> save page as pdf
show-trace [options] [trace...] show trace viewer
test [options] [test-filter...] run tests with Playwright Test
show-report [report] show HTML report
help [command] display help for command
npx playwright open good1230.com 在浏览器中打开页面
npx playwright codegen good1230.com 打开页面并为用户操作生成代码
install [options] [browser...] 确保安装了此版本的剧作家所需的浏览器
install-deps [options] [browser...] 安装运行浏览器所需的依赖项(将请求 sudo 权限)
npx playwright cr good1230.com 在谷歌中打开页面
npx playwright ff good1230.com 在火狐中打开页面
npx playwright wk good1230.com 在 WebKit 中打开页面
npx playwright screenshot good1230.com 123.png 捕获页面屏幕截图
npx playwright pdf good1230.com 123.pdf 将页面另存为 PDF
npx playwright show-trace trace123.zip 显示跟踪查看器
npx playwright test 运行测试
npx playwright show-report 目录 显示HTML报告
npx playwright help 显示命令的帮助
2024-06-22 12:07:29
此内容有帮助 ?